Modern World Trust

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Modern World Trust NGO Educational Projects

सहज शिक्षा अभियान के तहत मॉडर्न वर्ल्ड ट्रस्ट ने एक नई पहल शुरू की है जिसमें 60 प्रतिशत फीस ट्रस्ट द्वारा प्रदान की जाएगी और 40 प्रतिशत फीस अभिभावकों द्वारा भुगतान की जाएगी। यह एक अद्यतन पॉलिसी है जिसका उद्देश्य सहज शिक्षा को वित्तीय रूप से सुगम और सुलभ बनाना है ताकि अधिक संख्या में छात्र उसका लाभ उठा सकें।

इस नई पॉलिसी के अनुसार, 60 प्रतिशत फीस ट्रस्ट द्वारा दी जाएगी, जिसका मतलब है कि छात्रों को केवल 40 प्रतिशत फीस देनी होगी। यह उनके लिए वित्तीय दबाव को कम करेगा और उन्हें सुविधाजनक शिक्षा प्राप्त करने में मदद करेगा।

यह पॉलिसी पांच साल के लिए होगी, जिसका मतलब है कि पंचवर्षीय अवधि तक यह योजना लागू रहेगी। इस अवधि के दौरान, छात्रों को वित्तीय संकट से छुटकारा मिलेगा और उन्हें शिक्षा के प्रति अधिक ध्यान देने में सक्षम बनाने में मदद मिलेगी।

यह पॉलिसी बनाने के लिए अभिभावकों के सहयोग को मजबूत किया जाएगा। उन्हें केवल 40 प्रतिशत फीस देनी होगी, जो उनके लिए आरामदायक होगी। इससे छात्रों के परिवारों को वित्तीय तनाव कम होगा और वे अपने बच्चों के शिक्षा में अधिक अवलंबन कर सकेंगे।

इस पॉलिसी का उद्देश्य सहज शिक्षा के प्रति आम लोगों के उद्यम को बढ़ावा देना है और समाज के हर वर्ग के छात्रों को शिक्षा का अधिक अवसर प्रदान करना है। यह पॉलिसी शिक्षा में सामान्यकरण की दिशा में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है और सहज शिक्षा को सामूहिक रूप से प्रदान करने के लिए वित्तीय समर्थन प्रदान करेगी।

सहज शिक्षा अभियान के तहत मान्यता प्राप्त स्कूलों में 1000 सीटों पर पात्र विद्यार्थियों को प्रवेश दिया जाएगा। इसके लिए निम्नलिखित पॉलिसी का अनुसरण किया जाएगा:

  1. फीस संरचना:
    • सहज शिक्षा अभियान के तहत, छात्रों को शिक्षा लेने के लिए फीस की आवश्यकता होगी।
    • फीस का 60%  “मॉडर्न वर्ल्ड ट्रस्ट” से सदस्यता प्राप्त विद्यालय को  प्रदान किया जाएगा।
    • बाकी 40% फीस अभिभावकों द्वारा दी जाएगी।
  2. कक्षा आधारित योजना:
    • फीस की संरचना कक्षा आधारित होगी, जिसका मतलब है कि प्रत्येक कक्षा के लिए अलग-अलग फीस निर्धारित की जाएगी
    • योजना दो, तीन, चार और पांच साल के लिए इंटरवल में बनाई जाएगी, जिससे छात्रों की पूरी पाठशाला के दौरान फीस की संरचना स्थायी रहेगी।यह पॉलिसी सहज शिक्षा अभियान के अंतर्गत प्रवेश प्रक्रिया और छात्रों के लिए फीस संरचना को स्पष्ट करने के लिए अनुशासित होगी। इससे छात्रों के लिए सुविधाजनक शिक्षा का मार्ग प्रदान किया जा सकेगा और आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर परिवारों को भी योग्यतापूर्ण शिक्षा की पहुंच मिलेगी।

School Branch Expansion

    • Identify underserved areas or regions with limited access to quality education and establish new school branches in those areas. This project could include the construction or renovation of school buildings, hiring qualified teachers, and providing necessary educational resources.
  • Conduct feasibility studies and community assessments to determine the most suitable locations for new school branches, taking into account factors such as population density, transportation access, and educational demand.

  • Ensure that the curriculum and educational programs offered at the new branches are in line with national standards and tailored to meet the specific needs of the local community.

  • Implement a sustainable funding model to support the ongoing operation and maintenance of the new school branches, which may involve partnerships with local government, businesses, or other NGOs.

  • Monitor the progress and performance of the new school branches regularly, with a focus on student enrollment, attendance, and academic outcomes, to ensure the success and sustainability of the expansion.

Expanding the network of school branches can significantly increase access to quality education and have a lasting impact on the educational opportunities available to underserved communities. It’s essential to plan and execute this project carefully to ensure its long-term success.


Establish a scholarship program to support financially disadvantaged students in pursuing higher education. This could include scholarships for tuition fees, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

Distance Study Programs

    • Develop and implement distance learning programs to reach individuals who may not have access to physical schools or have other constraints that prevent regular attendance.
  • Create a digital platform or learning management system (LMS) to deliver educational content, including video lectures, interactive quizzes, assignments, and access to e-books and other learning materials.

  • Offer a range of courses and subjects, including core academic subjects, vocational skills training, and personal development courses, to cater to a diverse audience.

  • Provide access to online tutors or mentors who can support and guide students through their coursework, answer questions, and provide feedback on assignments.

  • Ensure that the distance study programs are accessible to individuals with disabilities by providing accessible content and assistive technologies.

  • Reach out to remote and underserved communities to promote awareness of these programs and facilitate enrollment.

  • Monitor student progress through the online platform, track attendance, and assess learning outcomes to ensure the effectiveness of the distance study programs.

  • Establish partnerships with local internet service providers, government agencies, and community organizations to address connectivity issues and provide internet access to students in areas with limited connectivity.

  • Implement a feedback mechanism to continuously improve the quality and relevance of the distance study programs based on input from students and educators.

Distance study programs can be a powerful tool for expanding educational access, especially in areas with geographical or logistical challenges. They also provide flexibility for individuals who need to balance their education with work or other responsibilities. Modern World Trust NGO can leverage technology and partnerships to make these programs widely accessible and effective.

Develop adult literacy programs to empower adults in marginalized communities with basic reading and writing skills, as well as vocational training opportunities.

Identify schools in underserved areas and initiate projects to improve infrastructure, such as building classrooms, providing clean drinking water facilities, and constructing libraries.

Create online learning platforms or partner with existing ones to provide free educational resources, video tutorials, and interactive lessons for students of all ages.

Collaborate with local schools, universities, and educational institutions to leverage resources, expertise, and support for educational initiatives.

Work to bridge the digital divide by providing computers, tablets, and internet access to students who lack these resources for online learning.

Facilitate language and cultural exchange programs to broaden students’ horizons and promote intercultural understanding.

Coming Soon

At Modern World Trust, we firmly believe that education is a fundamental human right that should be accessible to all, regardless of economic background, geographical location, or social status. We are committed to promoting and supporting free education initiatives worldwide, with the goal of empowering individuals and communities through knowledge and learning. Our vision is to create a world where every individual has equal opportunities to unlock their potential and contribute to society.

Key Principles:

  1. Accessibility: We advocate for free education that is accessible to all, removing barriers such as high tuition fees, lack of infrastructure, and limited resources. We support initiatives that provide equal access to quality education for children, youth, and adults, irrespective of their socioeconomic circumstances.

  2. Inclusivity: We recognize the importance of inclusive education that accommodates diverse learning needs and promotes equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities, marginalized communities, and those facing societal discrimination. We actively support initiatives that foster inclusive practices and provide necessary resources to ensure that no one is left behind.

  3. Quality: While advocating for free education, we emphasize the importance of maintaining high educational standards. We support programs that focus on improving the quality of teaching, curriculum development, and educational infrastructure to ensure that learners receive a well-rounded and impactful education.

  4. Lifelong Learning: We promote the concept of lifelong learning, encouraging individuals to continuously acquire knowledge and develop new skills throughout their lives. We support initiatives that offer opportunities for adult education, vocational training, and skill development, enabling individuals to adapt to the changing demands of the modern world.


  1. Scholarships and Financial Support: We collaborate with educational institutions, governments, and other organizations to provide scholarships and financial assistance to deserving students who lack the means to afford education. Our aim is to enable talented individuals to pursue their educational aspirations and reach their full potential.

  2. Infrastructure Development: We invest in building and improving educational infrastructure, including schools, libraries, and digital learning centers, particularly in underserved communities. We believe that providing conducive learning environments is crucial for promoting access to education.

  3. Teacher Training and Capacity Building: We support programs that enhance the skills and knowledge of educators, ensuring they are equipped to deliver high-quality education. We provide training opportunities, workshops, and resources to empower teachers with innovative teaching methods and pedagogical techniques.

  4. Technology for Education: We recognize the transformative potential of technology in education. We support initiatives that leverage digital platforms, e-learning tools, and connectivity solutions to expand access to educational resources and bridge the digital divide.

Selecting those who truly deserve assistance in the context of free education can be a challenging task. It requires a fair and transparent selection process to ensure that support reaches those who would benefit the most. Here are some guidelines that can be followed:

  1. Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify individuals or communities with limited access to education due to financial constraints, social disadvantages, or other barriers. This can involve surveys, interviews, or collaborating with local organizations to gather data and understand the specific challenges faced by potential beneficiaries.

  2. Eligibility Criteria: Establish clear eligibility criteria based on the specific objectives and scope of the free education program. These criteria can include factors such as financial need, academic merit, disadvantaged backgrounds, or specific target groups (e.g., girls, refugees, disabled individuals). Ensure that the criteria are fair, non-discriminatory, and aligned with the program’s goals.

  3. Application and Documentation: Develop an application process where candidates can submit their information, including their background, financial situation, academic records, and any relevant supporting documentation. This process helps verify the eligibility of applicants and ensures that resources are allocated to those who meet the criteria.

  4. Review Committee or Panel: Establish a review committee or panel comprising education experts, community representatives, and relevant stakeholders. This committee should review the applications, assess the candidates’ suitability, and make informed decisions based on the eligibility criteria and available resources. The committee should operate with transparency, integrity, and impartiality.

  5. Selection Criteria: Define clear selection criteria to evaluate candidates objectively. These criteria may include academic performance, financial need, motivation, potential impact, and alignment with the program’s objectives. Assign appropriate weights to each criterion and use a standardized scoring system or ranking mechanism to facilitate the selection process.

  6. Verification and Validation: Conduct thorough checks and verification processes to ensure the accuracy of the information provided by the applicants. This may involve verifying financial documents, contacting educational institutions for academic records, or conducting interviews to assess the candidates’ commitment and potential.

  7. Appeals and Feedback Mechanism: Establish a mechanism for candidates to appeal the selection decisions or provide feedback on the process. This allows for transparency and accountability and helps address any concerns or discrepancies that may arise during the selection process.

  8. Regular Evaluation: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the free education program. Monitor the progress and outcomes of the selected beneficiaries to ensure that the support provided is achieving the intended goals. Adjust the selection process if necessary based on feedback and lessons learned.

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